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We are “Gentleman Adventurers”.  We are men & women who aspire to be something more.  


History is flush with the exploits of great men and women who gambled everything for a chance at riches and glory. There’s no doubt that tales of Shakleton, Hillary, Earhart or Scott continue to inspire and fuel our passion and longing for those days of exploration.  But it’s also the image of the refined Gentlemen, that adds to the allure, layering wisdom, knowledge and science into their exploits.


In this modern era, many of us still thirst for the stories and adventures, but too few are able to break out and find adventures of their own.


The Gentleman Adventurer’s Club (GAC) celebrates taking initiative and creating our own adventures.  As products of a modern age, the desire for adventure and exploration lurks just below the surface for many.  The GAC is dedicated to promoting, creating, and most importantly taking part in, adventures of our own making. And in these pages, presenting the journals of those adventures.



The GAC will bring you along on our adventures, past, present and future.  Some big, and some small.  And some, we will experience from our armchairs, like a great glass of scotch or a finely turned letter from a friend. 


On our blog you’ll find adventures of all making.


  • In the Field – Getting out in the field, being intimate with our surroundings, experiencing adventure first hand, this is what drives our passion and curiosity.  Large and small field explorations are the culmination of planning, knowledge, skill and enthusiasm to seek out new experiences or finding moments that enhance the old.  


  • Club Chair – Not every adventure or exploration needs to be far afield.  It's also the in-between times of planning and investigating new subjects, especially those that lead to "In the Field" times.  It's the books, stories, and conversations over cigars and whisky that can fuel memories of the past and lead to new adventures for the future.


  • Motorsports – That project car, that multi-state road trip, or a backwoods excursion on dirt bikes or snowmobiles. This is time with man and machine.


  • The Dram – “a small drink of whisky or other spirits.” In our case, the time getting to know a great scotch, or craft bourbon. Perhaps pouring the perfect Martini.


  • The Gentlemanly Arts – a Great book, the perfect shave, the proper dinner jacket for a night out. All the skills every gentleman should know.


  • News and info


And with these articles we hope to encourage you through example.  To push you toward your own exploration of our world. 


Mark Twain famously is quoted, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you do.”


Regardless of scope, the GAC invites you to follow along and we hope to inspire you to embark on your own adventures.


With our toasting box open, we raise a glass to adventure and exploration, to salute those that inspire us to explore, and in some way, follow in their footsteps. 


“Adventure is not outside man; it is within” – George Eliot.


Welcome to the Gentleman Adventurer’s Club.

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